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Emulsifiable Vegetables - Greensave® Life E

The Greensave® Life E line of emulsifiable vegetable degreasers was created with the safety of the user and the environment in mind. With high technology and formulation based on synthetic fluids of vegetable origin, the products of the Greensave® Life E line are biodegradable and safe, ideal for the washable degreasing of residues of oils, greases, graphites and adhesives, impregnated in parts, engines, chassis. and industrial equipment in general. Due to their high flash points, they are non-flammable and comply with all labor and environmental regulations in force.

-Odor free
-High dielectric strength solvents
- Meet all regulatory standards (NR's)
-Non-toxic and non-irritating to the user's skin
- Free from heavy metals and organic solvents

We always have the ideal product for your needs.